Friday 16 February 2024

Distance Reiki


Distance Reiki

“You’re the best Emma, thank you for clearing out and creating calm and balance for us both this year, I never thought Distance Reiki would be so powerful. People should know that you don’t even know it's happening as long as you’ve given your permission. It’s so brilliant if you have a child or doubting partner in need of a boost, that they can be cleansed, calmed and balanced. You won’t believe the difference it makes, give it a try, you won’t be sorry”


This is a recent review that I’ve received from a client who has had regular distance Reiki with me for a long time because she loves to receive the power of Reiki in the comfort of her own home, whilst relaxing in her own comfy spot. She once said to me “It’s like putting the rubbish out weekly” and those words always stuck with me because it’s true. Our weekly practice clears her chakras of all the thoughts and feelings that have collected throughout the week and then she is fresh and ready to go again.

How many complementary therapies allow you to receive treatment in the comfort of your home without the inconvenience of having to get up and let someone out when all you really want to do is continue those cosy feelings in your warm safe space?

So how do I do it?

There are many ways to send Reiki to someone, but I choose to use Chakra stones to represent the recipient's chakras. I lay them out in front of me with a clear quartz at the top of them to represent the white light that at the end of the session,  I ask angels to bring down and cleanse each of the chakras to support them in spinning wide going forward after the treatment.

I start by sending a message to my client to say that I’m starting the treatment and to get comfortable. The treatment takes approximately 30 minutes to complete, I quietly activate Reiki within my hands and then set the intention for the treatment usually to clear and cleanse the chakras in front of me (using the stones).

I then use my pendulum to do an initial chakra check to see how open the client's chakras are, to begin with, if any need particular attention, maybe a deeper cleanse using my Reiki symbols that I have been given throughout each of my 3 Reiki training courses which I have completed since 2019 when I took my first steps and completed my Reiki 1 training. This check is useful to compare and see how effective the treatment has been on the clients chakras from the beginning to the end.

I then work down each chakra individually giving each a few minutes of attention, during that time in my mind’s eye I may experience pictures or visions, colours, physical feelings or sometimes even nothing, but I intuitively know to move on to the next once the chakra feels easier to sit with and memorise what I have experienced to pass on to the client once finished.

No one treatment is ever the same, but I do get reoccurring themes for some clients. We all have habits and learnt behaviours that will influence the openness of our chakra’s, for example, my least open chakra is often my throat, this is mainly because I have learnt to not always say exactly what I think as a natural people pleaser, I often hold back. Great for keeping the peace, but not so great for my own self-care! Maybe one day I will finally learn to change that behavior but until then I have Reiki to back me up and keep my throat chakra spinning. However recurring themes are also positive, my root for instance is always strong, I know who I am, I know where I come from, my foundations are strong. Funnily enough, I often attract similar clients, which means when I’m explaining my findings after a treatment, I really do understand where the insight comes from.


Chakra positions 

 Once I have cleansed the chakras using my hands I will take stock of the insight that I have received and then start to close down the treatment by usually sweeping down all the chakras to make sure all the energy that I have removed during the treatment has been fully removed and is blown in another direction.

I will then end on a closing prayer, setting the intention to keep the chakras strong and spinning until we meet again and at this point I will personalize the intention with any information that I know my client needs some extra support with too.

Following this I will also close myself down so that I don’t take on any of the energy that I have removed and perform a ritual to disconnect myself from the Reiki energy.

Every Reiki practitioner will have their own way of doing this, there is never a correct way, it is always what feels right and comfortable to you.

Once I’ve completely finished, I will send the client a message, giving them a few minutes to return to themselves and then I will either call or send a message to relay the insight and to also see what they experienced because there will always be similarities in both of our experiences usually just enforcing the strength to the Reiki energy that we have just experienced.

How often someone receives Reiki is entirely up to them, in my experience monthly is the norm, but some want it weekly, some want it just whenever they feel like it, whenever a client requests it, I will make some time for them.

How else can I use Reiki?

I have performed Reiki on children whilst they sleep and then passed the insight onto their parents and most recently going back to the review that this blog started with, I have been working with the partner of a client who didn’t know much about Reiki, wasn’t sure that he wanted to know more, but had been feeling a little low and out of salts. His partner asked me if I could help by performing Distance Reiki but communicate the insight to her instead with his permission, I said let's give it a go!

I’m so pleased to report that when it is wanted, there are no boundaries to what Reiki can do and where it can go, as long as it is performed with the best intentions. The world is literally your Reiki Oyster!

So as the review says….go on…give it a try, you won’t be sorry!


Many thanks for reading!

Love Emma J

The Smile Coach


FB/Insta @thesmilecoachforyou
