How are you all doing?
Apologies that this blog is a little later than usual, the busyness of the Summer Hols have caught up with me I think, trying to keep the balance of fun and new adventures (currently writing this blog whilst in the car taking Aimee to her first festival to see @The_Prodigy! Don't worry I'm not driving!) with a good mix of eyes & teeth MOT's as well as shopping for school uniforms. It's still not sinking in yet that Jack starts school in just a couple of weeks time!
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Soggy Family Memories: Awaiting The Prodigy @ The Victorious Festival! |
Anyway, what's The Smile Coach been up to in a non Summer Hols way?
Well, in my last blog I told you that I was going to see a consultant about my mystery, possibly, gluten attacks, I thought that he'd tell me that there's not much they can do and send me, probably unhappily, for once, on my way.....but he didn't. Apparently my test results were indicating some issues so I ended up with a swift invite for an Endoscopy and a Colonoscopy. What a treat I was in for!
I'm not going to go into details on here, there are somethings that really don't need to be blogged about, but if you ever get offered the same mind blowing experience, drop me a message and I can try and guide you through the build up to such a "lovely" experience! Now that it's done I'll get full results next month, I'll update you then, if there's anything interesting to report.
During the aftermath of my funfilled day, I have returned to normal life pretty quickly, back to the day job, back to being Emma, back to being mum. The only thing that I did delay was my Smile Coaching as I want to be able to give all of my sessions 100% of The Smile Coach and as the procedures were unknown territory to me I planned coaching the week before giving me the week of "doomsday" to recover and then return to my fortnightly sessions, fully smiling!
That week is this week, I'm looking forward to catching up with all Smilers, seeing what they've been up to and how we can together keep them moving forward.
I'm learning a lot, what I can do, what situations challenge me during coaching, but that push me that bit more to hone and progress my skills. I really do hope that whatever has happened before my Smilers meet me, that they feel they are smiling by the time they leave me and are feeling proud of their progress towards their chosen goals.
I know that nothing happens quickly overnight, but I hope that with my hard work and determination that The Smile Coach becomes a respected place for realistic weight loss coaching, motivation and confidence boosting and that people will know that I'm here to help and to propel them into their future minds, after all, it's all about the mind, get that to it's happy place and the rest happily follows. I'm proof of that and now that I've written this statement, it will come true, I just need to click my ruby red heels three times! He hee!!!
So....this brings me onto to the title of this me that's a gigantic word!
It is so important to each and everyone of us and one that, once you finally understand it's true meaning, can release you from your own mental health nightmare, don't get me wrong though, the daily struggles may still be there but that dark pull, down that spiral can be avoided easier, we are all very different and what's right for me maybe very different for another but I hope that my perspective on Perception might help someone else to release their mind from their own continuous negative circles of thought.
As I'm growing and becoming more aware of me, of who I am, why I'm here, I feel more and more like I was put here as a connector of people.... as I look back over my life (which I'm hoping is only halfway through) I'm always a link between people, sometimes positive, sometimes negative depending on their own experiences,thoughts, feelings and of course...perspective of situations.
This just feels like my logical outlook on things and I've never minded being that connector, but a couple of years ago, back when life became a bit too much to cope with because of the constant battle of researching help for my gorgeous little man's food intolerance's, I was sinking deeper and deeper into a darkness, trying to keep a lid on things, trying to keep up with daily life, trying to find answers and trying to do it all on no sleep for 18 months, (literally no sleep, Zombie world, Food Intolerance world!).
I constantly felt judged, I felt like no one believed me, I felt the need to do it all, I felt pressure in not being able to fix the problem, I felt like the whole world could see all of this, I felt alone (to any friends and family reading this, physically I wasn't, I know you were there, :) ), I felt financial pressures from not being able to earn enough for everyday life plus for help to find little man's answers......I felt..... I felt...... I felt......can you see the common theme here?
It was all about what I felt and thought, the situations were real but my overthinking was accelerating my own mental perspective, my perception.
I was living it, and inside.... it was getting worse....but in reality I had people around me, friends and family, I was supported, not alone, Team Wareham was and still is a strong unit, and eventually life would settle and we would learn to live with the intolerance's, but at that point I was beyond being able to see or think straight, my perception needed some help!
So what changed?
Quite simply (but hard at the time)......Talking!
Talking changed everything and also knowing some of the kindest hearts around. Releasing some of those repetitive, circular thoughts, realising that friends weren't sick of me going on, that they actually wanted to do anything they could to help, and they did help, they were legendary and it will never be forgotten, and they all know who they are.
One in particular amazing friend set up a whole day of support that changed everything as it gave us the ability to see private practitioners and try alternative methods to help our little man and his complicated digestive system (these will follow in a future blog!) and it still helps us now, we've come so far and I never thought I'd be this calm about the Jack starting school and entering his own world where I don't have full control over his food choices, luckily he is a very clued up small person and manages his own food choices really well!
Once I'd begun to open up, to release my thoughts, I began to see what had always been in front of me, it really was just (not a small word) my perspective that had been closed off and wrong, finally my thoughts began to find ways to help my mind deal with future perceptions, I completed a Mindfulness course, which literally gave me a chance to breath and I completed a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy course, which taught me a lot, especially ways of curbing my overthinking....which work 90% of the time now, but when my brain does start to turn, I can use those methods, I met new people and simply was able to get back to finding me again.
I guess this whole blog entry is yet another reason why I want The Smile Coach to succeed, I've been up, I've been down, but sometimes all we need is a helping hand, I've been inspired by what feels like a life changing experience, or was that just my perception of it?
To be fair, it may not be someone else's, but that's why we should always be kind, you never know whats going on behind that smile.
It's also important to understand that you can only help someone when they are ready to change that perception, that mindset, when those small triggers are inviting them towards a brighter view, they may not know how to do it, but they want it, after all, as I've learnt that really is what friends are for, The Smile Coach may have been The Really Grumpy Coach without it!
Thank you for reading, please feel free to spread the smiles and share your positive thoughts on it!
Look after each other and keep smiling!
Lots of love
The Smile Coach,
Located in Hastings, East Sussex
Facebook: Emma Wareham
Instagram: @thesmilecoachforyou
Twitter: @emmalovesarun
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