Friday 16 February 2024

Distance Reiki


Distance Reiki

“You’re the best Emma, thank you for clearing out and creating calm and balance for us both this year, I never thought Distance Reiki would be so powerful. People should know that you don’t even know it's happening as long as you’ve given your permission. It’s so brilliant if you have a child or doubting partner in need of a boost, that they can be cleansed, calmed and balanced. You won’t believe the difference it makes, give it a try, you won’t be sorry”


This is a recent review that I’ve received from a client who has had regular distance Reiki with me for a long time because she loves to receive the power of Reiki in the comfort of her own home, whilst relaxing in her own comfy spot. She once said to me “It’s like putting the rubbish out weekly” and those words always stuck with me because it’s true. Our weekly practice clears her chakras of all the thoughts and feelings that have collected throughout the week and then she is fresh and ready to go again.

How many complementary therapies allow you to receive treatment in the comfort of your home without the inconvenience of having to get up and let someone out when all you really want to do is continue those cosy feelings in your warm safe space?

So how do I do it?

There are many ways to send Reiki to someone, but I choose to use Chakra stones to represent the recipient's chakras. I lay them out in front of me with a clear quartz at the top of them to represent the white light that at the end of the session,  I ask angels to bring down and cleanse each of the chakras to support them in spinning wide going forward after the treatment.

I start by sending a message to my client to say that I’m starting the treatment and to get comfortable. The treatment takes approximately 30 minutes to complete, I quietly activate Reiki within my hands and then set the intention for the treatment usually to clear and cleanse the chakras in front of me (using the stones).

I then use my pendulum to do an initial chakra check to see how open the client's chakras are, to begin with, if any need particular attention, maybe a deeper cleanse using my Reiki symbols that I have been given throughout each of my 3 Reiki training courses which I have completed since 2019 when I took my first steps and completed my Reiki 1 training. This check is useful to compare and see how effective the treatment has been on the clients chakras from the beginning to the end.

I then work down each chakra individually giving each a few minutes of attention, during that time in my mind’s eye I may experience pictures or visions, colours, physical feelings or sometimes even nothing, but I intuitively know to move on to the next once the chakra feels easier to sit with and memorise what I have experienced to pass on to the client once finished.

No one treatment is ever the same, but I do get reoccurring themes for some clients. We all have habits and learnt behaviours that will influence the openness of our chakra’s, for example, my least open chakra is often my throat, this is mainly because I have learnt to not always say exactly what I think as a natural people pleaser, I often hold back. Great for keeping the peace, but not so great for my own self-care! Maybe one day I will finally learn to change that behavior but until then I have Reiki to back me up and keep my throat chakra spinning. However recurring themes are also positive, my root for instance is always strong, I know who I am, I know where I come from, my foundations are strong. Funnily enough, I often attract similar clients, which means when I’m explaining my findings after a treatment, I really do understand where the insight comes from.


Chakra positions 

 Once I have cleansed the chakras using my hands I will take stock of the insight that I have received and then start to close down the treatment by usually sweeping down all the chakras to make sure all the energy that I have removed during the treatment has been fully removed and is blown in another direction.

I will then end on a closing prayer, setting the intention to keep the chakras strong and spinning until we meet again and at this point I will personalize the intention with any information that I know my client needs some extra support with too.

Following this I will also close myself down so that I don’t take on any of the energy that I have removed and perform a ritual to disconnect myself from the Reiki energy.

Every Reiki practitioner will have their own way of doing this, there is never a correct way, it is always what feels right and comfortable to you.

Once I’ve completely finished, I will send the client a message, giving them a few minutes to return to themselves and then I will either call or send a message to relay the insight and to also see what they experienced because there will always be similarities in both of our experiences usually just enforcing the strength to the Reiki energy that we have just experienced.

How often someone receives Reiki is entirely up to them, in my experience monthly is the norm, but some want it weekly, some want it just whenever they feel like it, whenever a client requests it, I will make some time for them.

How else can I use Reiki?

I have performed Reiki on children whilst they sleep and then passed the insight onto their parents and most recently going back to the review that this blog started with, I have been working with the partner of a client who didn’t know much about Reiki, wasn’t sure that he wanted to know more, but had been feeling a little low and out of salts. His partner asked me if I could help by performing Distance Reiki but communicate the insight to her instead with his permission, I said let's give it a go!

I’m so pleased to report that when it is wanted, there are no boundaries to what Reiki can do and where it can go, as long as it is performed with the best intentions. The world is literally your Reiki Oyster!

So as the review says….go on…give it a try, you won’t be sorry!


Many thanks for reading!

Love Emma J

The Smile Coach


FB/Insta @thesmilecoachforyou


Friday 24 September 2021

Self Care....The Smile Coach says.....just do it!

 Self Care.....The Smile Coach says...just do it!

You have to look after yourself……..the rest will follow along behind.

Hi Everyone,

Another blog, only a couple of weeks after the last, I’m getting back into the flow, but without making it “have” to happen…life is busy for us all, let’s just do what we can!

So self care….this has been on my mind lately, so it’s time to write it out, remove it from my brain, and share it with you….hopefully it resonates with you and will keep the conversation going that if you look after yourself, you can then look after everyone else, but you must make yourself number 1…..not the one at the back of the queue, that only gets the scraps, if there’s anything left.

As lovely as it would be to book ourselves into Champneys for an luxurious 5 star Spa break every weekend, I’m not talking about the big things. For me it’s all about the small things, the everyday things that you can do to add a little sparkle to your day.

One day last week, I had 30 mins in between the school run and starting work, so I got home, made a coffee ( I love a proper expresso in the morning), grabbed my book and walked to my 6 minute bench…why 6 minutes? During Lockdown I worked out that I could get to the bench in 6 mins, so I could time my lunch breaks around a little time out, to breath and take in the views of beautiful Hastings Old Town. If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you’ll see most of my posts involve pictures of the Old Town, it really is one of my happy places, again nothing big, just seeing views that I love can just reset your brain enough to deal with the rest of that day/week/month.


...with the best view!

Back to my coffee, I did feel a bit of a wally walking with my little expresso cup, but sod it, sometimes you just have to do it, and it was a talking point for anyone that returned my greeting of “morning” as I passed people walking to my bench. I’ve written in previous blogs about how I greet most people I pass; a smile can go far and it’s lovely when you get one back too!

Limited time, a coffee and reading a bit more of my book, set me up for the day, which was a busy one, but when I looked back over the day, I had done something for me, in amongst the many things done for others throughout the day and evening.

Get outside feel the sunshine on your back, ground yourself, dance in the rain, whatever works for you.

Meet up with a friend, put the world to rights! Running gives, me that and now I love sea swimming too, I get into the sea, and it feels like you really do leave any emotional baggage on the beach. A good chat as you swim up and down completely replenishes your mind, body, and soul and hopefully does some toning up as you go to!

A view from a self care swim

Tonight, as I type, I’ve had something that became very rare during the pandemic…. a night to myself with the freedom of the remote! Before the pandemic, we were always in and out during the week, but as with us all, life became very “together” during Covid, and remote control freedom wasn’t quite so free! The only problem being that sometimes I get bored flicking through, trying to find something that I will enjoy on my own. The best bit about these evenings, is just sitting down and relaxing, some chocolate may have also jumped into my palm tonight, but that’s all good, just what we’re talking about, doing what’s good for you at that moment in time.

You may have a completely different list of self-care things that you like to do, that’s ok, it’s all about doing what works for you, what you can fit in.

I do have long term thoughts on what I can do to look after myself, I love meditation, I love anything spiritual and one day I’d love to dedicate time to the practice of Yoga. I’ve done classes over the years, but I’d like to learn more about the spiritual side of it too. I’d love to study it I guess, but not to teach it, just to understand more about how it combines, exercise with the intricate systems within the body and gives you time to just stop and breathe.

Breathing is another form of self-care, that I love to do, there doesn’t have to be a way to do it, just go to a favourite place and breathe! Simple! When you feel stressed, just stop and breathe, deep breaths can just allow you time to find another perspective on something, stop you striving and keep you in the moment. Mindfulness is the practice of learning to listen to your body by bringing it back to the breath, I love it because you can do it anywhere, for any length of time, but it will always work, no matter how you do it.

Lastly…. book yourself a treat, small or large it’s up to you, but do it! You’d do it for everyone else, so why not for yourself? Maybe it’s an eyebrow wax, or a manicure or maybe a haircut, a little bit of time out, just do it.

Whatever you do, the smile that you will gain from taking that little bit of time will be worth it. If you think of yourself as a phone, low on charge, what would you do? You’d plug it in to charge it up, that’s what self-care is, rebuilding your power and energy to maintain your resilience and grow your confidence and contribute to yours and everyone else’s lives around you, there’s no shame in that!

Stay strong, keep smiling and maybe Reiki could be part of that self-care routine!

Lots of Love


The Smile Coach 😊

Saturday 4 September 2021

The Smile Coach is Evolving: Who am I? 2021….

I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately, am I who I used to be? Am I who I want to be?

I think it’s fair to say that none of us are probably who we used to be, we’ve survived a pandemic, and are now learning to live again, re-entering the world around us, getting used to the fact that things we used to take for granted, are things that we can now do again, but we were forced to switch off from many things, like, meeting friends and family, we lived in our bubble and although we had the technology to communicate virtually, actual human contact we are rebuilding, renewing and restarting! So, apologies if you know me personally and we haven’t yet met up post-pandemic, let’s make plans, I’m ready to take on the world again!

A few weeks back I thought I was ready to do that too, I felt excited that there were things in the calendar again, life was becoming normal and then…I tested positive for Covid. I will be forever grateful that it was a very mild case, just a cold, pre-pandemic, I wouldn’t have thought anything of it, the worst part of it was thinking about who I could have passed it onto, the worry put knots in my stomach and a maze of too many thoughts in my mind.

Sometimes it doesn’t matter how mindful you are, how aware you are, sometimes, you just can’t avoid feeling lost, confused, a little low too, we are all human and it’s going to happen.

What’s important is how we deal with that and how we get through the other side….not so easy when you self-isolate within your self-isolating household , just to make sure that they don’t catch it…..this part was a success though…..manic cleaning and spraying of all surfaces and handles, wearing a face mask around the house, and living like I was back in Halls of Residence at university (except this time I had to cook for all my housemates too), these all worked…and 10 days later we came out the other side, phew! What an experience, but we did it! The best part was when the Self-isolating rules changed, so it meant that my little Warehams could go out, but the adults couldn’t, off you go Jack, see you later! Hmmm, maybe not!

A Self Isolation Sunset :)

So here we are again, looking forward to going out and about, slightly more reserved than previously, back to basics of masks and sprays again…. but grateful that we can do it!

I got a little sidetracked there, but who am I? Well, I’m still Emma, I’m still a married mum of 2 lovely children, Aimee being my chilled out teenage bundle of fun and Jack being my 7-year-old bundle of never-ending energy.

I still have a long-held vision of spreading smiles, positivity and supporting the world to do whatever it wants to do. How can I back that up? I feel I’ve been on this pathway for a longtime, I gained 10 years coaching experience in my day job and then life experiences kept on coming, weight loss, fitness journey’s, being an allergy mum, otherwise known as a warrior mum in my eyes, and I’m sure life will keep on giving too, well it already has, but I’ll save that for future blogs!

To back that all up I have worked through a Life Coaching course, and in 2019 I began a journey of becoming a Reiki practitioner, something that has become a passion, learning and evolving as I go, this journey will never end as it enables me to spread smiles in person or to anywhere across the world using the powerful lifeforce energy of Reiki. It’s something I am never the best at explaining, I prefer to let someone experience it, because every treatment is unique to that person, but all that it can be is a positive release, bringing you calm, peace and a way out from whatever energy is no longer serving you well. It’s like a massage without touch and a clear out of your mind all in one.

I have always had an interest in spirituality too, dabbling in many experiences over my lifetime, but during 2020 a chance Zoom event led to me joining a mediumship circle and I have finally found a way to develop the sense of “knowing” that I’ve always had…it just makes a lot more sense now. I’ve met many people across the world doing this and again will be forever grateful for this Covid experience.. I can channel spirit, I have learnt to structure a reading, but most importantly I have learnt that this is just part of me, nothing to be scared of, just like a radio, I can tune in and tune out too. But what an honour it is to do it, and to finally understand more, another piece of my own puzzle slots into place.

Developing in this way has really infused my Reiki experiences too, it has evolved just like me, I’m more certain of what comes through in messages or pictures and I can call on spirit to work with me too…sometimes they just do it anyway. Although I would only find the right way to communicate this with a smiler, if it was wanted. 

. I can channel spirit, I have learnt to structure a reading, but most importantly I have learnt that this is just part of me, nothing to be scared of, just like a radio, I can tune in and tune out too. But what an honour it is to do it, and to finally understand more, another piece of my own puzzle slots into place.

Developing in this way has really infused my Reiki healing too, it has evolved just like me, I’m more certain of what comes through in messages or pictures and I can call on spirit to work with me too…sometimes they just do it anyway. Although I would only find the right way to communicate this with a smiler, if it was wanted.

When I began Smile Coaching, I thought I knew what I was here to do, I thought Weight loss coaching was what it was going to be, but again it’s evolved, through all of the above, I now find myself providing  Intuitive and motivational coaching, of course I have studied coaching, coaching models and lots of theory, but what I find myself saying and doing comes from the gut, what fits with my Smiler comes from what feels right to say or suggest.

In all the studies that I have completed, spiritual or technical, uni degree, everyday life, I have realised am not one for technical, analytical jargon, I’m rubbish at using the “right” phrases, the “words” of the day, it’s just not how I work, I can’t tell you the history of the matriarchal and/ or patriarchal society, or why you should be looking at this piece of research as opposed to this one, because I just don’t retain that kind of info, although I can promise you that I have read it and taken in  a little pieces of information from it all, in order to learn and develop my own knowledge.

What is important to me is people, how they feel, how they are doing and how I can help to support them. I have come to realise that it’s not important what language I use, but it is importantly that I speak in a clear way that is comfortable to me, in order for me to have confidence in the guidance that I share, I think I am a plain speaking Intuitive Life coach combined with Reiki Practitioner, I can’t always tell you the name of the dimension that you are entering, but I can definitely help you to feel it….How does that sound? Let’s get started!!!!

So who do I want to be going forward?

Plain and simply, I just want to be me, I want to do what feels natural, right and in doing that, I want to be a successful Smile Coach. I have thoughts and plans, but knowing how I’ve evolved already, I am prepared to be led by the universe, but also by anyone that I encounter along the way.

I want to keep an open mind, because I do know that Smilers can appear anywhere…and I can’t wait to meet you!

Sending out some Reiki love :)

Lots of Love,


The Smile Coach



If you like what you have just read, have a look at for more blogs, follow me on Facebook/Instagram @thesmilecoachforyou and then get in touch for a chat to see how I can support you, I really can’t wait to get started.


Saturday 16 February 2019

Bring on the daylight!!! We're nearly there! The Smile Coach doesn't hibernate well. Do you?

Hi Smilers! How are you all?

Once again, thank you so much for all your support whether that's, a like, share, comment, chat, advice, or taking those steps to look into become a Smiler......or just continuing to be one....thank you. Without it, The Smile Coach would not be a concept, I've realised that I've been working on this idea for a very long time and look forward to it becoming a fully functioning business, it excites me that I can help people that feel just like I have and at times still do....

So this blog is about just that, I think January is a dark old time, it brings us all down, its a long month, we have to prioritise financially as there are about 100 days in that month, mentally you may want to be out there doing it all but the short days and the weather just don't help your motivation when you're maybe not feeling your best...clothes are a bit tight from all the December fun, chocs, party food and of course the wine/prosecco followed by Christmas Baileys.

It's so right that we should celebrate Christmas, enjoy spending time with family and friends but maybe if we extended that longer into January we could all help each other....and maybe the food wouldn't impact so much as we wouldn't rush to enjoy it all so much over such a short time. We'd all keep the happy hormones going longer and not struggle on so much...sometimes alone. We can be surrounded by so many people yet still feel lonely......and then comes the overthinking. Gotta love the overthinking...if the rest doesn't get you, that will!

So what can we do about it? I realise that I'm writing this in February but it can apply all year round!

1) Talk Talk Talk....let it out, get it out. We can so easily build up the small things into big things by whirling them around in our heads over and over again. If you don't have close family, there's friends and if you don't feel like you have friends (i bet you just may be overthinking it), colleagues, the person that says hi to you on your morning wander....there will be someone that you can offload to.

I have my "go to" people and I hope they consider me the same.Sometimes promoting myself as The Smile Coach complicates my overthinking more but they help me to remember that I am also human...and then I think well without a journey I wouldn't be a great coach!

2) Find some activity that you can do to divert your mind from the darkness. January has bought icy pavements and lots of rain so my sports of choice running and netball have been a bit sporadic. Although my beginners running group has managed to keep going whatever the weather, and we've had it all except sunshine!

I needed to find something else though as I'm used to higher activity levels so I've restarted my Hiit sessions with Joe Wicks The Body Coach. I love his sessions, they are short and sharp, 15 mins every 2 days is what I've been doing.

All his workouts on on his You Tube Channel for free, there is no reason why not. Its time to tone up those wobbly bits, ready for the year ahead and for me it's a big number at the end of the year so I need to enter the next decade feeling positive!

I've also realised that by doing his workouts I've helped myself in another way, I was really struggling to wake up and get up to my alarm/Jack but by getting up half an hour earlier the mornings are much more organised for the school run, book bags etc are sorted if I haven't done them the night before!

I know I'm lucky in the level of activity that I can do and understand that some can't but I can honestly say that there is a pathway for you no matter what you feel you can physically do, it may just be some breathing and relaxation exercises initially but opening up that pathway will do wonders for your mind in the long run.

3) Find a future focus, now this could be absolutely anything that floats your boat, anything that builds fire within your soul and anything that helps you move forward from the madness of January.

My current personal goal is to run Hastings Half Marathon at the end of March, You might think...well she ran a marathon in October that's's really not. Beachy Head Marathon definitely took it out of me and left me with a slight knee niggle that I've tried to nurture so that it doesn't lead to long term damage yet have still had to put the longer miles in to keep the legs in the game! But the mental motivation I have knowing that I have a day, a date that I need to do what I've set out to do, along with many other mad people is what gets me out there! And you can't beat a chat with a good running friend to clear your head too!

The Smile Coach needed a future goal too, one that is manageable around the rest of life but that will continue to drive my coaching forward after completing my Life Coaching course  I have now signed up to a Diploma in Weight Loss Coaching. I want to go towards Nutrition and this is my first step towards that whilst my monkeys need me around.

So this future goal leads me to letting you all in on some news that if you've been thinking about getting in touch may help you to do it sooner rather than later.....I will need Case Studies for this course so for that reason I am going to reduce the prices that The Smile Coach charges for a limited period so if you've been thinking about finding out more, please get in touch and lets get you smiling!

I plan for a limited period to reduce my regular Smiling sessions from £30.00 to £20.00 per session. The One-off Goal setting sessions will remain the same. If you've been thinking about it for a while, now is the time, it won't last forever, just mention Smile when you contact me :) !

Look Spring is on it's way, a glimpse of battle on a 12.5 mile training run on 09/02/19 

4) Get the Girls round (or boys!) This is my number one recommendation, whether it's just a cuppa or a full on night of fun together, food, fun and bubbles! Sometimes you know you need it, sometimes you don't, but that release of negative energy can be at it's quickest when you get to put the world to rights with the right people, who just let you be you. It may just be 1 friend, it may be a group, it really doesn't matter but the power you gain from just letting it out, or maybe not letting it out but listening to their worries or rants too, can just normalise your thoughts and prioritise how high on the list yours really are!

A Girl's night is always a positive thing with the Awesome Foursome!

Overall Smile Thought: Look to the Future.....It's all ahead of you, now go get it! You're in charge of your own destiny! And if you're not sure how, let me know, I'm sure I can help! It might be health,weight, fitness, career, just plain old surviving the busy everyday life, needing time for you, whatever it is, we can tackle it together!

Wishing you all Big Smiles, look after those that you love!
Have a great month!

Lots of love,

The Smile Coach

Facebook: Emma Wareham
Instagram: @Thesmilecoachforyou
Twitter: @Emmalovesarun

Saturday 12 January 2019

The Smile Coach reviewing 2018's Goals and setting more for 2019...

Hi Smilers! How are you all?

It's been a little while since my last blog but that just means life has been busy and now I've finally chosen some time to sit down and reflect on this crazy year that has been, since I decided to put my ideas out there and see what happens.

It's a year since I asked my first Smiler if she would become just that, in early 2018. It took a lot to ask but as I'm finding...if you don't don't get...although you may not always get the result you think you will, you will get experience and wisdom.

The first 6 months or so, I was trying out different methods, some work, some don't, finding out what The Smile Coach can do, what elements make up a successful Smiler. I've worked out that the Smiler needs to guide the transformation, I'm solely the mentor to their commitment and determination to transform themselves and their mindset.

I've launched my website, and grown my Social Media presence including joining Instagram, all things that will help in the future.

More recently I've changed my approach slightly, I've concentrated more on my own learning, I have the experience of coaching but I want to make sure that I have the paperwork to back it up, it helps me to feel more confident in my abilities when explaining what I offer. I've also have plans to complete other courses early next year that will only enhance the smiles that I can offer so I have some goals set....

I think the biggest Personal Goal I had for 2018 was to complete a Marathon, at times it didn't look like it was possible...but I did it on Saturday 27th October, I completed Beachy Head Marathon raising £400.40 for The Sara Lee Trust.

I learnt a lot from that goal, I learnt that even though you may not follow a training plan that you set, it doesn't mean that that was the only way to do it, I learnt that I can fit in extra long runs, even when I can't see how it will happen. I also learnt that running a marathon is not a natural thing for me and my took a good 3 weeks to properly recover physically ( the first few days were so hard to just move comfortably), I learnt that next year I may settle for the BH 10K so that I can enjoy the beautiful scenery more, at a pace that is more comfortable.

My next marathon goal will be London but not just yet! And there's plenty of running out there to be done, next up will be Hastings Half in March 2019, one challenge that I enjoy yearly, you can't beat the atmosphere when the weather is on your side!

Another goal this year was to continue growing and building myself, like anyone I struggle at times with juggling life, love, family friends and everything else on top! The subjects I've written about in previous blogs are all things that I have experience of and work hard to keep on top of, I truly believe that we all have these ongoing thoughts/behaviours, our strength comes from whether we recognise that as we go through them and how we find ways to keep us coping with them.

Christmas came and went and is one of the times that it is most important to keep all the above things in check!

To be honest I thought there would have been a blog written for Christmas, but as often as I sat down to write there was another event to go to (nativities, carols, lovely kids things!) and by the end of each day I still hadn't written anything! I was starting to put pressure on myself until I had a little word with myself and decided that I would write when I could and if it was to be a New Year blog be it! And that's what we've got!

Another personal goal met in 2018 was definitely the Bikini wearing in Kos!!!! It was  the beginning of the blog and hopefully another example of how there are so many reasons that I've begun the idea of The Smile Coach, because these are all real situations that I've been through and am still going through...I've just decided to write about all the crazy thoughts that we all get in our heads, if it can help motivate just one person to make positive then I've done my job!Plus you just cannot beat a trip away with the girls to reset your mind and it's lovely to for a short while! 2019 sees me hit the Big 40, so I'm hoping that that will bring me another girls trip at some point!

So far in 2019 I have taken part in a Careers and Aspirations Fair at a local primary school, where the main question that I was asked was "What does a Smile Coach do?"

I spoke to many children from Early Years to Year 6 and had some very interesting conversations, they seemed to love my ideas, and agreed that the world needs more Smile Coaches!

The Smile Coach and Aimee with my lovely flowers from the Careers Fair.

So the answer to their question has evolved even from a few months ago, as I said I'm learning all the time, I know what I'm not...I'm not a counsellor, I'm not a medical professional, I'm not a  Psychiatrist,I'm also not a personal trainer but I am a Mentor, Motivator, Coach, Tutor, mindset changer to those wanting to make a change, improve their weight or well being in a way that suits them but also inspires them to carry on!

I have now studied Life Coaching for over 55 hours and have achieved my first LC qualification, as well as having 9 years of coaching experience. I do plan to add more services in near the future and hope to see my ideas become a concept and my future, so that once my babies decide to fly the nest I will have a positive focus...and maybe even a school of Smile Coaches!

For myself in 2019, I'd love to complete my own weight loss journey...6 stone down with a little bit more to go but I don't plan to make it my number 1, as long as I continue to eat well and exercise, it will come and if you do it all too fast it will only go back on, I'm running from it and I'm not looking back.

I'm also hoping to combine some fitness goals with more family time too, we started last weekend with a 4.5 mile walk around the hidden secrets of Battle, it's great now that Jack's little legs can go a little distance and as long as I have a few snacks hidden away we can all have a lovely time!

One of our chilly family walks.

Weights are another thought, I do some at home but I'd love to get more serious in the London you can find great gyms that don't break the bank, sadly in Hastings and around there are lovely gyms but the monthly costs make it very hard for a family to commit. For years now I've done well on low cost exercise but sometimes there's something more that you want to focus time will come! Think Positive! 

In truth I have so many goals that if I wrote about them all, you'd still be sat here reading next week, so for now I'll stop and just learn to scatter them about into future blogs.

Whatever your goals and ambitions for this lovely new year, I hope you achieve them all but remember that if you struggle or you just don't even know where to start them get in touch, we can work them out, we can find ways to move you forward, we can look at what limiting beliefs may have always stopped you achieving past goals and how we can break them to get you smashing them all!

All you need is the commitment to change, we can meet weekly or fortnightly where ever is comfortable for you and begin to build a picture of where you want to go!

I'm also planning to write blogs monthly, in October I tried to do more regular smaller ones but I didn't feel that it worked well, so it's back to the way I know best...unless you have any other suggestions!

Wishing you all a very happy and healthy 2019!

Please get in touch if something that I've written strikes a chord with you, or at least have a look at my website to find out more!

Facebook: Emma Wareham
Instagram: @Thesmilecoachforyou
Twitter: @Emmalovesarun

Friday 26 October 2018

The Smile Coach: Achievement...What can you set your mind to? Part 4

So what could have possibly come next?

I spent the next week recovering from a hard mentally and physically run. Lucky I have some great friends and whether they know it or not they get me through it! Sharon, you are a star!
Follow the Yellow Brick Road! 

So the following Sunday, Sunday just gone, I began another club challenge, delving into the unknown, my understanding was a pleasurable amble of anything from 6 to 26 miles, depending on what you want to do. This one though was a new challenge, I was happy with the fact the Marathon probably wasn't going to happen this year....

What a difference a week can make, beautiful weather! This time the jacket was off by the 2nd stop because it was too hot! 12 miles came and went, got to 18/19 miles....unknown mileage for me...I felt so happy, I'd fuelled right, I was feeling good, if not a little tired, the views of the Southdowns were amazing, having never been up there before, it was breathtaking...and so was the running.

It felt like we ran around the outside of Lewes as the views changed....such long deep hills, the estuaries of Newhaven....beautiful views of Alfriston. This is why I love see so much that you wouldn't normally see otherwise but that can be achieved by going round the block or by going a bit further out to places you've never been, that's why i think I've stuck with running for so long, every run is different, every run is a new achievement. Those hills that I've looked at from the A27, I can now say I've run over them!, I've been up there!

If Only!

Support on the day was fantastic, thank to all who ran with me!

Beautiful Views
I'd had no goals at the start, except to maybe keep my mileage up but by the end of the day I surpassed all of my expectations, I'd gone 5 miles over my previous heights....but I'm also so proud of myself that I stopped when I did. I stopped at 23 miles, I had nothing to prove, my body was tired, I was mentally done, I knew this when we stopped about 19 miles in and my eyes did began to well up, I chose then to stop at the next stop.

And I did! I knew that if this was a marathon, I could push myself to walk that last 3 miles, probably very slowly, but I would do it....but not today.

I was on a high that I'd gone that far, so much of a high that now in a few weeks time, I will be running Beachy Head Marathon on 27/10/2018.

Immediately after 23 miles!
It's so funny how life does it sometimes, It was a goal, then it wasn't, which I was quite happy with.....and then in the space of a few hours it became a goal again! A realistic one, that I know I can do!

As long as you look after yourself and listen to your body, you can do anything that you want to just have to have a starting point and a desire......maybe that's where The Smile Coach can help you out. Goals are goals, whatever size they are we can achieve them together!

Thank you for reading my blog again, Please do give me feedback on the weekly approach.

Any update that I promised, I'll right into next month's blog!

Keep Smiling!!!

The Smile Coach,

Located in Hastings, East Sussex

Facebook: Emma Wareham
Instagram: @thesmilecoachforyou
Twitter: @emmalovesarun

Saturday 20 October 2018

The Smile Coach: Achievement...What can you set your mind to? Part 3

Part 3.....Where did I get to?

Oh yeah, that self doubt was setting in....I also think I'd got to an OK point of thinking, oh well, there's always next year......It's ok, I'm not bothered, I'm ok with this....And I was, I was actually ok with this, because I believe that when the time is right, you will do it, what ever it is!

It might be something you never thought you would might be something you planned but you're not quite ready to...but I'm a great believer in, plant the seed and the tree will grow.... that desire won't go away, but when the time is right you can act on it, thats why I believe there are so many Smiler's out there, whether you've got in touch or not...when the time is right...for will!

It's a bit like giving up smoking, until the point where it is 100% what you want to do, it will not happen. Once it is that 100% you, it will happen!

2 weeks ago on Sunday I got up to go and do the Rye to Hastings Race with my club Hastings Runners, I love this run, well after the first 3 miles or so anyway. The views are usually spectacular, the weather is lovely, and there's lots of people to run with at the back (my favourite place to be, of course).

NOT this year, the weather forecast was horrendous, but ever the optimist, I thought, nah, it'll be ok...up until midnight the night before the lovely Sharon was messaging me and the lovely Arrianne, firstly, are we mad enough to do this and then are you mad enough to do this?? respectively!

I set a time of 6.45 the next morning to decide...I slept really badly, thinking about what was ahead...I woke up many times...then the alarm after 5 hours 45 mins of sleep and decided...yes we are doing it!

What made me decide this... well I thought ahead to the how I wanted to feel and I knew that if I hadn't got on that coach at silly o'clock on a Sunday Morning, I would annoy myself allday, because lunchtime would come and go and I'd think, well I could have done that, the weather's much better now!

So on the coach we the coach we got....sometimes there are advantages to being one of the more......time relaxed members of a club...the weather was so bad, we got an earlier start....yes please, I'd love to run in that rain even earlier....the weather was that bad, I stepped over a dead frog and soapsuds started appearing from nowhere out of my running gear...I thought it was my dextrose tablets disintegrating until, in an effort to prove that it was the Dextrose I got a taste of soap instead, great advert for Aldi though, keeps washing even after the machine!!!

Delirium set in at this point! Singing Queen's Don't stop me now, poor Kim had to listen to it!

There was mud, there was beach stones allowing the faster to pass easier on the world's narrowest running path with only an inch of safety before possibly falling down a hill onto a fast road. There was no possible way of stopping for the yearly selfie stop, everything was far too wet for that. I thought about ditching the running jacket as it was wetter than me...but the gloves in my bag were even wetter so there was no warmth to gain.....pretty much, it was the toughest run I've ever,ever had.12.8 miles of not much fun! But of course I kept that smile as much as I could, because I was doing it, I was out there, I was ALIVE!!!! I was also quite delirious by the end...but I did it...because I can and if I can...anyone can!

Part 4 coming up next week!

The Smile Coach,

Located in Hastings, East Sussex

Facebook: Emma Wareham
Instagram: @thesmilecoachforyou
Twitter: @emmalovesarun

And if you're feeling a little generous.....just a few pennies would be much appreciated... 

Friday 12 October 2018

The Smile Coach: Achievement....What can you set your mind to?.....Part 2

Welcome Back Smilers! Thanks for sticking with me for Part 2!

The title for this month is Achievement, but what does that really mean?

For me, I think it is doing more than you ever thought you could do...pushing yourself more, putting yourself out there....moving it forward no matter what you come up against.

I do this, many people I know do this, but it can be measured on so many levels, that's what I love about it. It is as big as you feel it is...and I bet you don't always give yourself the credit that you deserve!

At the beginning of this year I had the idea in my head that I would love to run a marathon, this wasn't a new thought but it was one that felt more realistic than before, if not for this year, for a year very close to this one.

I trained for Hastings Half Marathon early on, as I regularly do, I love this half, the atmosphere is AMAZING! If you are considering it, just sign up, I promise you that it will be worth it!

I train with some fantastic friends, I really do love them all, I think we all help each other out, mainly when we don't realise that it's needed.I improved my time this year, getting closer to a pre-Jack half time. I was so happy, you'd think that I would then continue running distances so that by the time Beachy Head Marathon comes round at the end of October I'd be more than ready......but no!

I have kept up the regular stuff, Netball, my amazing Bin Running Group 5K's, Fitness rave's, anything else that comes up, but generally family weekend life seems to get in the way of the distance runs, (this is by no means a bad thing, as I look to the future, I see my Aimee growing up, I know Jack will only follow, at that point there needs to be some future goals in place,) I managed 1 10K in the summer, but I think it's fair to say that I have not put in the effort that you would think a Marathon would require.

My head has been having some serious debates with itself, even The Smile Coach isn't immune to these demons! I should have done more, I should have known better, I should, I should, I should...there's that perception bit again! It really does creep up everywhere!

On to Part 3.....

The Smile Coach,

Located in Hastings, East Sussex

Facebook: Emma Wareham
Instagram: @thesmilecoachforyou
Twitter: @emmalovesarun

If you can spare a penny or two....

Saturday 6 October 2018

The Smile Coach: Achievement...What can you set your mind to? Part 1

Hey Smilers, How are you all doing?

I have taken a little longer with this blog (I know I shouldn't start on a negative!), but I've been thinking a lot about how to build The Smile Coach Concept.

I've spoken to many people, taken input, read a lot, researched and this month I'm going to try a new approach, you may or may not like it, please leave me feedback so I can develop towards the future, I'm going to try smaller blog segments over the month.

I've increased my Social Media posts, positive, happy posts only, and I'm certain that this is the way to go to grow the Smile Smilers are doing fantastically. As I educate myself with my Lifecoaching learning, I'm finding new methods to encourage them with to reach their future goals.

I love my appointments, you never know what will come out of them and every single Smiler is inspiring to me. I love the fact that they trust me to encourage them to grow and together we get there!

I'm thinking about some Christmas promotion of services, although I'm a bit torn here, only because a Smiler is someone that wants to make changes, they don't have to know how, but they need that desire to change, pace is not an issue, but the desire is, so if you are not ready can someone buy that for you.....but then your friends do know you best, sometimes better than you know yourself!

I'm not sure the whole package can be a gift if the Smiler isn't ready to commit yet,unless of course they have stated that this is what they would love, but maybe my one off goalsetting opportunity is a session that can help a Smiler realise that there is something that they want to change and we can go from there....small steps...huge changes!

I do worry that people are not sure about how I work with people, to be honest there is no right or wrong way, but throughout our sessions we build on the goals that we set in Session one. Goals can be food changes, steps towards exercise, increasing what you are already doing, whatever they are, they are only set to your current abilities, Its all about you!

We sit down together and I will write down the goals and the forward steps to take towards them, I will then write them up and send them to you, preferably within a couple of days so that you have them for the next fortnight before we meet up again. All Smilers work at different paces and we review it all as we go.

So Achievement....What can you set your mind to?.....Time to await Part 2 for the answer! I plan to release a new part weekly, but I can tell you that it involves an account of what I have achieved recently 😁😁😃😃
A pic from one of this month's post's, look at that October Sky!

Keep Smiling!

Lots of Love

The Smile Coach,

Located in Hastings, East Sussex

Facebook: Emma Wareham
Instagram: @thesmilecoachforyou
Twitter: @emmalovesarun

And if you are feeling generous......
I'll be running my first marathon on 27/10/2018!

Monday 27 August 2018

Blog No 5: Perception- How The Smile Coach discovered the hold it can have over you and your life!

Hey Friends, Readers, Smilers and Future Smilers! (I'd love you to be!)

How are you all doing?

Apologies that this blog is a little later than usual, the busyness of the  Summer Hols have caught up with me I think, trying to keep the balance of fun and new adventures (currently writing this blog whilst in the car taking Aimee to her first festival to see @The_Prodigy! Don't worry I'm not driving!) with a good mix of eyes & teeth MOT's as well as shopping for school uniforms. It's still not sinking in yet that Jack starts school in just a couple of weeks time!

Soggy Family Memories: Awaiting The Prodigy @ The Victorious Festival!

Anyway, what's The Smile Coach been up to in a non Summer Hols way?

Well, in my last blog I told you that I was going to see a consultant about my mystery, possibly, gluten attacks, I thought that he'd tell me that there's not much they can do and send me, probably unhappily, for once, on my way.....but he didn't. Apparently my test results were indicating some issues so I ended up with a swift invite for an Endoscopy and a Colonoscopy. What a treat I was in for!

I'm not going to go into details on here, there are somethings that really don't need to be blogged about, but if you ever get offered the same mind blowing experience, drop me a message and I can try and guide you through the build up to such a "lovely" experience! Now that it's done I'll get full results next month, I'll update you then, if there's anything interesting to report.

During the aftermath of my funfilled day, I have returned to normal life pretty quickly, back to the day job, back to being Emma, back to being mum. The only thing that I did delay was my Smile Coaching as I want to be able to give all of my sessions 100% of The Smile Coach and as the procedures were unknown territory to me I planned coaching the week before giving me the week of "doomsday" to recover and then return to my fortnightly sessions, fully smiling!

That week is this week, I'm looking forward to catching up with all Smilers, seeing what they've been up to and how we can together keep them moving forward.

I'm learning a lot, what I can do, what situations challenge me during coaching, but that push me that bit more to hone and progress my skills. I really do hope that whatever has happened before my Smilers meet me, that they feel they are smiling by the time they leave me and are feeling proud of their progress towards their chosen goals.

I know that nothing happens quickly overnight, but I hope that with my hard work and determination that The Smile Coach becomes a respected place for realistic weight loss coaching, motivation and confidence boosting and that people will know that I'm here to help and to propel them into their future minds, after all, it's all about the mind, get that to it's happy place and the rest happily follows. I'm proof of that and now that I've written this statement, it will come true, I just need to click my ruby red heels three times! He hee!!!

So....this brings me onto to the title of this me that's a gigantic word!

It is so important to each and everyone of us and one that, once you finally understand it's true meaning, can release you from your own mental health nightmare, don't get me wrong though, the daily struggles may still be there but that dark pull, down that spiral can be avoided easier, we are all very different and what's right for me maybe very different for another but I hope that my perspective on Perception might help someone else to release their mind from their own continuous negative circles of thought.

As I'm growing and becoming more aware of me, of who I am, why I'm here, I feel more and more like I was put here as a connector of people.... as I look back over my life (which I'm hoping is only halfway through) I'm always a link between people, sometimes positive, sometimes negative depending on their own experiences,thoughts, feelings and of course...perspective of situations.

This just feels like my logical outlook on things and I've never minded being that connector, but a couple of years ago, back when life became a bit too much to cope with because of the constant battle of researching help for my gorgeous little man's food intolerance's, I was sinking deeper and deeper into a darkness, trying to keep a lid on things, trying to keep up with daily life, trying to find answers and trying to do it all on no sleep for 18 months, (literally no sleep, Zombie world, Food Intolerance world!).

I constantly felt judged, I felt like no one believed me, I felt the need to do it all, I felt pressure in not being able to fix the problem, I felt like the whole world could see all of this, I felt alone (to any friends and family reading this, physically I wasn't, I know you were there, :) ), I felt financial pressures from not being able to earn enough for everyday life plus for help to find little man's answers......I felt..... I felt...... I felt......can you see the common theme here?

It was all about what I felt and thought, the situations were real but my overthinking was accelerating my own mental perspective, my perception.

I was living it, and inside.... it was getting worse....but in reality I had people around me, friends and family, I was supported, not alone, Team Wareham was and still is a strong unit, and eventually life would settle and we would learn to live with the intolerance's, but at that point I was beyond being able to see or think straight, my perception needed some help!

So what changed?

Quite simply (but hard at the time)......Talking!

Talking changed everything and also knowing some of the kindest hearts around. Releasing some of those repetitive, circular thoughts, realising that friends weren't sick of me going on, that they actually wanted to do anything they could to help, and they did help, they were legendary and it will never be forgotten, and they all know who they are.

One in particular amazing friend set up a whole day of support that changed everything as it gave us the ability to see private practitioners and try alternative methods to help our little man and his complicated digestive system (these will follow in a future blog!) and it still helps us now, we've come so far and I never thought I'd be this calm about the Jack starting school and entering his own world where I don't have full control over his food choices, luckily he is a very clued up small person and manages his own food choices really well!

Once I'd begun to open up, to release my thoughts, I began to see what had always been in front of me, it really was just (not a small word) my perspective that had been closed off and wrong, finally my thoughts began to find ways to help my mind deal with future perceptions, I completed a Mindfulness course, which literally gave me a chance to breath and I completed a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy course, which taught me a lot, especially ways of curbing my overthinking....which work 90% of the time now, but when my brain does start to turn, I can use those methods, I met new people and simply was able to get back to finding me again.

I guess this whole blog entry is yet another reason why I want The Smile Coach to succeed, I've been up, I've been down, but sometimes all we need is a helping hand, I've been inspired by what feels like a life changing experience, or was that just my perception of it?

To be fair, it may not be someone else's, but that's why we should always be kind, you never know whats going on behind that smile.

It's also important to understand that you can only help someone when they are ready to change that perception, that mindset, when those small triggers are inviting them towards a brighter view, they may not know how to do it, but they want it, after all, as I've learnt that really is what friends are for, The Smile Coach may have been The Really Grumpy Coach without it!

Thank you for reading, please feel free to spread the smiles and share your positive thoughts on it!

Look after each other and keep smiling!

Lots of love


The Smile Coach,

Located in Hastings, East Sussex

Facebook: Emma Wareham
Instagram: @thesmilecoachforyou
Twitter: @emmalovesarun